Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Sabes quienes heredaran el Reino de los cielos? Te diré quienes no lo heredaran!

“Y esto digo, hermanos: que la carne y la sangre no pueden heredar el reino de Dios; ni lo que se corrompe hereda lo incorruptible.” 1 Cor 15:50

“¿O no sabéis que los injustos no heredarán el reino de Dios? No os dejéis engañar: ni los inmorales, ni los idólatras, ni los adúlteros, ni los afeminados, ni los homosexuales, ni los ladrones, ni los avaros, ni los borrachos, ni los difamadores, ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios.” 1 Cor 6:9-10

Pero cuando te enfrentes a uno de los arriba mencionados…Recuerda!
“11 Y esto erais algunos de vosotros; pero fuisteis lavados, pero fuisteis santificados, pero fuisteis justificados en el nombre del Señor Jesucristo y en el Espíritu de nuestro Dios.”
Y tratarlos con Ternura!
“Y el siervo del Señor no debe ser rencilloso, sino amable para con todos, apto para enseñar, sufrido, 25 corrigiendo tiernamente a los que se oponen, por si acaso Dios les da el arrepentimiento que conduce al pleno conocimiento de la verdad, 26 y volviendo en sí, escapen del lazo del diablo, habiendo estado cautivos de él para hacer su voluntad.” 2 Tim 2:25

El confrontar pecado no necesita gritos, ni vana palabreria, no sea que pensemos que nosotros somos los que cambiamos a las personas. El que transforma corazones es Dios por medio del Espíritu Santo por la Fe que es puesta en Cristo Jesús. El que otorga el arrepentimiento es Dios! Predica el evangelio y ora por los que escuchan y permite que El Espíritu Santo obre en ellos!
Nosotros no podemos juzgar a los que ya están condenados pero si podremos presentarles el evangelio para que sean libres de toda condena atraves de la Fe en Cristo Jesús!

Jesús le dio instrucciones específicas a los 12 que envió en Mateo 10. Luego les dice en el verso 8..” de gracia recibisteis, dad de gracia.“ No intento interpretar que lo que Jesús entrego a sus discípulos se aplica a nosotros pero en el caso de lo que recibimos, claro está, que recibimos por Gracia así que debemos dar por Gracia las Buenas Nuevas de Salvación!

Did Jesus ever say the exact words “I am God?”

“Now please understand that anyone can say the words “I am” and it does not mean that he is claiming to be God. Someone could say, “I am over here.” That is not claiming the divine name. Likewise, someone could say, “I am hungry,” or “I am sick.” Neither example is claiming divinity, because the use of the term “I am” in context clearly shows us that is not what is occurring. But, in John 8:58 when Jesus said “before Abraham was born, I am,” the Jews knew exactly what he was saying. Notice that he says before Abraham was born (using the past tense) and then he switches to the present tense when he says “I am.” Jesus switches tenses of the verbs on purpose so that when he does so in the context of referencing Abraham, Jesus is clearly drawing the Jews’ attention to the Old Testament Scriptures and then using a present tense form of the verb “to be” by saying “I AM”.  Someone who says “I am hungry” is not drawing attention to the Old Testament Scriptures for context.

Jesus was clearly causing the Jews to reflect upon the divine name “I am” that Jesus used for himself. We know that they understood this because as is said above, they said, “You, being a man, make yourself out to be God,” (John 10:33)

The Muslims agree with the Jews

But what is noteworthy is that the Jews, like the Muslims, deny that Jesus is God in flesh. Therefore, the Muslims are united with the Jewish people in denying who Jesus claimed to be, the “I am.”


It is not necessary that Jesus say a certain phrase in order for the truth of who he is to be made clear. The issue is not if he speaks a certain sentence that we construct in present terms in order to satisfy our theological demands. The issue is what did Jesus say in the context and culture of the time in which he spoke.

Finally, we know that Jesus is God in flesh because the Bible tells us so.

John 1:1, 14, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…14And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
John 20:28-29, “Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.”
Heb. 1:8, “But of the Son He says, ‘Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.'”

Above article: Via by Matt Slick


Jesus was clearly causing the Jews to reflect upon the divine name “I am” that Jesus used for himself. We know that they understood this because as is said above, they said, “You, being a man, make yourself out to be God,” (John 10:33).

Jesus said,  “Truly, Truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am”, which means that Jesus existed before His human life on earth. John 8:58

1.  Bread: “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger.” John 6:35

2.  Light: “I am the light of the world; he who fallows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12 

3.  Gate: “I am the gate; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9

4.  Good Shepherd: “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.” John 10:11

5.  Resurrection and Life: “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies.” John 11:25

6.  Way, Truth, Life: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” John 14:6

7.  True vine: “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.” John 15:1

Obviously not all have faith. There are those who require a bit more evidence. So I encourage who ever needs to see more to read the following in order to provide you with evidence so that you may see that the Bible is in fact true and how science actually affirms that which is written in the Bible and if it is in fact true as Paul states it is in 2 Timothy 3:17 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” then I pray you surrender your life to Christ! Because there is no doubt about the Bible being true!

• Stars are innumerable (Genesis 22:17; Jeremiah 33:22)
• Stars differ in glory (1 Corinthians 15:41)
• Stars follow a predictable pattern (Jeremiah 31:35)
• Earth is round, not flat (Isaiah 40:22; Psalm 103:12)
• Earth hangs on nothing (not built on pillars) (Job 26:7)
• Scientific evidence of a young universe:
1) Spiral galaxies
2) “Missing” supernova remnants
3) Short-lived comets
4) Moon moving away from Earth

• Water cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7; Isaiah 55:10)
• Sea currents (Psalm 8:8)
• “Fountains of the deep broken up” (Genesis 7:11)
• Scientific evidence of a young earth:
1) Continents erode too fast
2) Too much mud on the sea floor
3) Too much sodium in the ocean
4) Too rapid decay of earth’s magnetic field

• Blood circulation (Leviticus 17:11)
• Scientific evidence of a recent creation:
1) DNA programming for irreducibly complex protein sequences
2) Lack of missing links in the fossil record
3) Dinosaur blood vessels in fossils

A changing of the mind or worldviews will never compare to the renewal of the mind through the work of the Holy Spirit. You may change your thought process and/or worldviews in either of two ways. There is no middle ground. The Prosperity gospel teaches you to change your thought process and you will see the difference in your life, while Paul teaches you to test and “that by testing you may discern the will of God.” Of course, we test all things according to the scriptures, which is the inspired word of God and not by our own understanding or twisted interpretation of what we desire the will of God to be.

Sooner or later we will give into one or the other. “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey–whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?”. Romans 6:16 One, produces life and the other death, though by choosing the one which gives life may mean that your life now may end due to its opposition, depending on what part of the world you presently live in. However, in the long run life as we know it means nothing if life eternal is not ours to look forward to.

We can choose either a change toward depravity which is what we are often seeing publicized from the top of our rulers even in America to the least of us in our work place, local church and even our own homes or we can choose the regeneration which includes the less sought after perfect will of God, even by those who claim to be “Christians”.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

There are many reasons why people may choose to be bold. Some because of their personal acheivements, others because of an earthly inheritance, others because of a social status, good looks and so on. However, how many do you know of being bold because of a hope they hold on to?

Not just any hope for we know that there are many who’s hopes end up frustrated and undersatably so, for we know that trusting in man to be perfect is, well, hopeless.

The hope I speak of is that of the followers of Christ. The hope that our King and Savior will soon return for His people. A hope founded on the life of an obedient son, who endured suffering, blessings, cursings, dying as a man on a cross, deafeating death, satisfying Gods wrath, raising from the dead, ascending to the Father, sitting at the right hand of the Father, interceding for His people and awaiting the day in which we will all be reunited as one in His glory to come!

Our hope is not merely a wish or a prayer, it is the word of God spoken and declared by God the Son to His followers; “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” John 14:2-3

So if we are bold let us be bold in our hope, our savior, our King! If we are to be bold let us be bold in sharing this power which we find in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us be bold to death if need be that if even one sinner turn his back on sin or if none, it is all to the glory of Christ. For truth divides that which is from that which is not.

Let us be bold in preaching the Gospel which has the power to loose any man from the power of slavery to sin and death!

Let us be bold not only due to knowledge but because we too experience the power of the saving grace of our Lord for if we attempt it only upon our mere understanding we are sure to face defeat. We must know our savior, we must experience such grace, we must testify of it not only in word but also in deed for what good is faith without action?

Let us be BOLD in all humility for we boast not in ourselves but in Christ alone!

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13

Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 2 Cor 3:2

Does it matter which method I use for you to wake up? Whether I whisper or yell? You’d probably prefer a whisper right?

Well what if you were in a burning house that was about to explode? Would you mind if I whispered and if you didn’t hear me simply walked away? or would you prefer a WAKE UP!!!! to assure you infact heard the warning and if you stay inside then you suffer the consequences?

Well from my point of view if I whisper, you don’t hear me and I walk away, it is something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life on this God created earth but will also have to give acccount for in due time. Now if I yell at times and that the message gets accross and yet you were unable to respond, then my job was accomplished. See, I’m just a messenger and the one that sends the message for, works the waking up through the message(Christ), not me!

My hope is that my family and friends would all repent and turn to God. So no apologies from me. If I seem agressive it’s because your eternity is very important to me. I care! If I’m gentle it is because your eternity is very important to me. I care! There is a time for screaming, crying, gentleness, smiles etc. However, let’s make sure all the SCREAMING!!!! and Crying we hear and do is before The King returns! MARANATHA!!!

Grace and Peace!

Tolerance will enable you to remain in the condition you are in so that it may remain in its own state without confrontation. Guilt will always confront you because of the same issues it deals with, not being resolved within. The Religious will always look at you like you are less, struggling with lofty thoughts of itself, knowing they aren’t any better but refuse to admitted it. Grace however will confront you, not to condemn but to lift you up and provide a solution for the issue at hand. The latter however, requires you to recognize your condition, uncomfortably so, yet necessary. Without recognition/repentance of sin we find no need of a savior. Without a need of a savior there is no need of reconciling with God. Without reconciliation to a righteous God there is an eternity of suffering the same Gods wrath, with no hope of an end.

“Wake Up, O Sleeper!”

There were a few discrepancies in the History Channel’s Bible series. Though there may be some who probably would not notice there are others who would. Clearly not everyone is interested in the reading of the scriptures and I must say that a few years ago I would not have been interested either. However, there are some who are interested in truth and if truth matters, it should be demanded in full! My advice would be to read the Bible for the true and full story. Other than the issues I found, I enjoyed the scenes that did correspond with how the Bible narrates the stories.

Though I’m sure they cannot get every story or detail and will eventually add to certain stories to capture the viewers attention, if they do focus on a certain story they should get the story right or complete as the Bible states. f.e. and I know this may be the least of things to worry about them not adding to their script but what did Lot truly say to the mob? “Behold, I have two daughters who have not known any man. Let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please. Only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof.” Gen 19:8. They only had him say “these men are my guests…”

Though there may be what we think are controversies, they are written and deserve to be known. I encourage you to watch the series with a Bible in hand.

Now let’s see what the next shows have in store for us.

Some things we should look for is how they portray God. Will they portray Him as Soveriegn? as a “Force”? or what? Will they portray man as sinful or good? What of the diety of Christ? Clearly the O.T. points us to Christ, so how will this series do that?

When man fails us, we should not give up on them lest we give up on ourselves. We aught to sow in peace as a people who have been given peace, the fruit of righteousness. James 3:18 We should hope that through forgiveness, reconciliation and regeneration we may become better representatives of Him who has called us, reconciled us to the Father and regenerates us through the work of the Holy Spirit. We keep our trust in the Faithful One who keeps us, for there is none like Him, He is our shelter, our refuge and salvation! Anything less may be reason to believe we do not partake of such righteousness!

I have personally come across many “preachers” who say let people go or in other words if they don’t learn give up on them. Or if they leave then they never where part of us. As if that is what God shows us? Are we not to obey the words of Christ? Are we to live as children of righteousness or lawlessness? “Can a fig tree produce olives, my brothers and sisters, or a vine produce figs? Neither can a salt water spring produce fresh water.” James 3:12

Surely if we have received the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the same should be operating in us and made visible. Of course not as a work for salvation but rather the evidence of a righteousness in which we boast in for the glory of Christ our savior and Lord. For it is the work of the Spirit which moves us and guides us to all truth! “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. For he will not speak on his own authority, but will speak whatever he hears, and will tell you what is to come.” John 16:13

So next time you are about to give up on someone for coming up short, remember we all fall short! Romans 3:23

Christians; what determines whether or not you accept what is shared with you as the “Word of God”? Do you simply accept it because it mentions God in it or do you search the scriptures to see if it coincides with God’s written word? Do you go on emotions? Do you go according to the character of the person sharing the word? Does it depend on anything other than GOD?

There are many so called “Television Evangelists” running around using God “their product” to get what they want out of people, taking God’s word and twisting it teaching perverted gospels and many unfortunately are being fooled. Ephesians 5 states that “all things exposed by the light are made visible, for everything made visible is light. Therefore it says, ‘Wake up, sleeper and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’ Therefore, consider carefully how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of the time because the days are evil.”

I am sure many will fight against the truth but Christ who is Truth will always prevail! Many will hate you for standing for the truth but they hated Jesus first. Stand firm in the word of God and fear not man who cannot kill your soul! Those who suffer with Christ will also glory in Christ! Church, Stand UP!

They may hate you for speaking the truth but never allow their hate to shut you up! Take courage our redeemer lives!

Joyce Meyer
by Matt Slick

Joyce Meyer was born on June 4, 1943. She is married, has four children, and lives outside of St. Louis, Missouri. She runs the Joyce Meyer Ministries organization ( When examining the site’s statement of faith we are glad to see an affirmation of the Trinity, that man is a sinner, that without Jesus we can have no relationship with God, that salvation is a free gift, and eternal hell of conscious damnation. There is a concern with the statement on “divine healing,” since there are so many aberrant groups that also affirm divine healing but say Christians must claim it and people who are sick are in sin. However, I am not aware of what Meyer’s position is on this.

The Joyce Meyer Ministry takes in a great deal of money. She travels in a private jet and has several multimillion dollar homes.

“While Meyer’s previous salary is unknown, a recent series of investigative articles in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch revealed Meyer’s ministry purchased for Joyce and Dave a $2 million home, a $10 million private jet, and houses worth another $2 million for the couple’s children, who also work for the ministry. The articles also outlined Meyer’s recent personal purchases, including a $500,000 vacation home. Meyer, 60, lives in Fenton, Missouri, near St. Louis.” (1/1/2004,

Having a lot or a little money is neither good nor bad. If she has earned it all fairly through her work, fine. Nevertheless, this article will focus on her teaching, not on her finances. Let’s take a look at scripture, then Joyce Meyer’s teachings.

First, what does the Bible say?

It is absolutely necessary that we Christians use biblical discernment when supporting any preacher and/or teacher of the gospel. It is irrelevant whether or not we like the person, think the person is a good speaker, or if the person says things that are uplifting. Instead, we must be as noble as the Bereans.

“Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so,” (Acts 17:11).
“Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that in us you might learn not to exceed what is written, in order that no one of you might become arrogant in behalf of one against the other,” (1 Cor. 4:6).
If the Bible says that even Paul was checked by scripture, and that we are not to exceed scripture’s teaching, then aren’t we obligated to judge what Mrs. Meyer says against the word of God? Of course we are. It is not enough to just believe what she says, no matter how good the words are or how well she presents them. Let’s not be taken in by a public figure who is confident, assertive, and appears to be biblical. Our duties as Christians include biblical discernment – which can only be done by examining what she says and comparing it with scripture.

What does Joyce Meyer teach?

For the most part Joyce Meyer preaches a positive, biblical message that is of great value to many people. We applaud her desire to be biblical, to point women to godly submission and humility, to trusting God, being loving, to have value based in what Christ has done for us, etc. These are all good. However, there are some very significant errors that need to be addressed. Some of them are so bad that she is outside of biblical orthodoxy and must be considered a false teacher. Let’s take a look at what Joyce Meyer has said.

Following is a list of quotes from Joyce Meyer, along with responses.

Jesus stopped being the Son of God: “He could have helped himself up until the point where he said I commend my spirit into your hands, at that point he couldn’t do nothing for himself anymore. He had become sin, he was no longer the Son of God. He was sin.”(
Response: This is heresy. Jesus did not ever stop becoming the son of God. Essentially what she is saying is that Jesus stopped being divine, the eternal son, second person of the Trinity. This is an attack on the very nature of Christ and it is a dangerous false teaching. Joyce Meyer needs to repent and retract this statement. There is no place in Scripture that says Jesus stopped being the son of God. She’s adding to the word of God and placing in the hearts and minds of listeners false doctrine.
Jesus was born again: “The minute that blood sacrifice was accepted Jesus was the first human being that was ever born again,” (
Response: This is just plain wrong. Being born again means to be saved from the wrath of God for a person’s sins (Eph. 2:1-3), to have a new birth (John 3:3), and to be regenerated (2 Cor. 5:17). Mrs. Meyer is simply wrong biblically. Why does she teach this? It can only be because she has bought into many of the errors of the Positive Confession movement where it is sometimes said that Jesus lost his divine nature, went to hell, finished the atonement in hell, and was born again! This is a serious error since it implies that Jesus needed to be changed…
Jesus paid for our sins in hell: “He became our sacrifice and died on the cross. He did not stay dead. He was in the grave three days. During that time he entered hell, where you and I deserve to go (legally) because of our sin. He paid the price there.” (The most important decision you’ll ever make, by Joyce Meyer, second printing, may 1993, page 35)
Response: This is blatantly wrong. Jesus did not pay the price of our redemption in hell. He paid the price on the cross. It was finished on the cross when he said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Also, consider the following verses:
Col. 1:20, “and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.”
Col. 2:14, “having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.”
1 Pet. 2:24, “and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.”
Jesus went to hell in our place and was tormented: “Jesus paid on the cross and went to hell in my place. Then as God had promised, on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. The scene in the spirit realm went something like this: God rose up from his throne and said to demon powers tormenting the sinless son of God, ‘let him go.’ Then the resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled Jesus. On earth his grave where they had buried him was filled with light as the power of God filled his body. He was resurrected from the dead — the first born again man.” (The most important decision you’ll ever make, by Joyce Meyer, second printing, may 1993, page 36)
Response: Where does she get this completely fictitious dialogue between God and the demon powers? It is made up, not founded in scripture, and mistakenly assumes that Jesus went to hell, the place of torment and suffering after he died on the cross. The Bible does not teach any such thing. However, it does say that Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth (Eph. 4:9). This can mean that Jesus was physically buried, or that Jesus went to Hades to inform those who had already died about who he was and what he did on the cross, or it can be referring to his incarnation as is contrasted with his ascending into heaven (Eph. 4:10). But there is simply no reason to believe that Jesus suffered in hell and finished the atonement there. See response to Quote 1.
If you don’t believe Jesus went to hell, you cannot be saved: “His spirit went to hell because that is where we deserve to go… There is no hope of anyone going to heaven unless they believe this truth.” (The most important decision you’ll ever make, by Joyce Meyer, second printing, may 1993, page 37)
Response: This is an amazingly bad statement on her part. She is saying that you cannot be saved from your sins unless you believe that Jesus went to the hell where we deserve to go. This is a modification of the gospel message that saves, as is found in 1 Cor. 15:1-4 that states it is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Nowhere in scripture are we told to believe that Jesus suffered for us in hell or that he went there, where we deserve to go. This is very wrong and is heretical.
We are called little gods: “I was listening to a set of tapes by one man and he explained it like this..this kind of gets the point across…he said why do people have such a fit about God calling his creation, his creation, his man not his whole creation, but his man, little gods? If he’s God what’s he going to call them but the God kind? I mean if you as a human being have a baby you call it a human kind. If if [sic] cattle has another cattle they call it cattle kind. I mean what is God supposed to call ’em? Doesn’t the Bible say we are created in his image? Now you understand I am not saying you are god with a capital G. That is not the issue here so don’t go trying to stone me or yell blasphemy at me.” “The Bible says right here John 10:34…’and Jesus answered is it not written in your law I say we are gods.’ So men are called God’s by the law…”(Joyce Meyer). (
Response: In this clip she goes on to quote John 10:34 where Jesus says to the Pharisees “you are gods,” which is a quote from Psalm 82:6, which is an imprecatory Psalm of condemnation for the unrighteous judges. Psalm 82:7 says, nevertheless you will die like men. She then turned to Psalm 82 and went through it. The video stopped so I do not know what she would have said about the next, all important verse.
Joyce Meyer said she is not a sinner: “I am not poor. I am not miserable and I am not a sinner. That is a lie from the pit of hell. That is what I were and if I still was then Jesus died in vain. I’m going to tell you something folks. I didn’t stop sinning until I finally got it through my thick head I wasn’t a sinner anymore. And the religious world thinks that’s heresy and they want to hang you for it. But the Bible says that I am righteous and I can’t be righteous and be a sinner at the same time.” (
Response: Mrs. Meyer needs a lesson in basic Bible. 1 John 1:8 says, “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” Notice that John the apostle says “we.” He is including himself with sinners. Also, Paul said in Rom. 7:19-20,24, “For the good that I wish, I do not do; but I practice the very evil that I do not wish. 20 But if I am doing the very thing I do not wish, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me…24 Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” Is Joyce Meyer better in Christian character than John and Paul? I think not. Mrs. Meyer fails to recognize her own sinfulness, and so mistakenly denies her own sinfulness. I can only conclude that this false teaching comes from pride because it certainly isn’t biblical.
The host of hell were literally on Jesus and were laughing: “They were having the biggest party that had ever been had. They had my Jesus in the floor and they were standing on his back jumping up and down laughing. And he had become sin. Don’t you think that God was pacing, wanting to put a stop to what was going on? All the host of hell were upon him. Upon him. Up on him. The angels were in agony. All the creation is groaning. All the host of hell was upon him. Up on him. They got on him. They got him down in the floor and got on him and they were laughing and mocking. Ha ha ha ha. You trusted God and look where you ended up. You thought he’d save you and get you off that cross. He didn’t, ha ha ha.” (
Response: Where did she get this – in the sacred Book of Joycemeyeronomy? It is certainly not in the Bible, and yet she has no problem teaching it as an authoritative truth. Does she not know that the Bible says not to exceed what is written (1 Cor. 4:6)? Yet, she has done exactly this. She is in grave error and has violated God’s word that says that Jesus bore our sins in his body on the cross (1 Pet. 2:24) and finished the atonement on the cross (John 19:30) – not in hell at the hands of demons! There is no way demons were literally standing ‘on’ Jesus. Meyer is in gross error!
Joyce Meyer gets revelation knowledge: “The Bible can’t even find any way to explain this. Not really that is why you have got to get it by revelation. There are no words to explain what I am telling you. I have got to just trust God that he is putting it into your spirit like he put it into mine.” (
Response: Revelation knowledge? Is she on par with the apostles who received revelation knowledge from God himself? Or how about the Old Testament prophets? Does she, like them, also receive revelation knowledge from God? If so, how would we know if it were true or not? The answer is simple: we test what she says against Scripture, and it is obvious that she is getting a lot of things from somewhere else that contradict the word of God.
Joyce Meyer is a preacher

As unpopular as it might be to say, Joyce Meyer is wrong for occupying the position of a preacher of God’s word. Not only does she preach false doctrines, but she also functions as a preacher by teaching God’s word, exegeting it, applying it, and telling people what to believe…in public. She is out of place for doing this. She speaks as a minister of the gospel teaching with authority. She needs to stop. if you doubt this, and if you also believe the word of God, then please see the article Should women be pastors and elders?


On 11/29/2011, CARM called the Joyce Meyer Ministries in Mo., and spoke to a man who directed us to the website, contact info, and how to submit an email. We told him about CARM and the issues that we wanted to find out regarding her teachings. He again pointed us to the website and we were told that someone would contact us. At the website we submitted this email to them via their form at on 11/29/2011.

I’m Rev. Matt Slick, the president of the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, CARM is a very large and popular apologetics site (1.3 million monthly page views). I’m doing research on Joyce Meyer and her teachings and have serious concerns about some of the things she has taught. Instead of writing articles based on information from years ago, I would very much like to submit a list of questions to her (and/or interview her) regarding Christian theology, soteriology, and christology to find out what her present views are. I can submit a list of questions so as to get the most current teachings she has in these areas. The information would then be used on the website, radio show, and books. I want accurate information so as to not misrepresent Mrs. Meyer in anyway. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response. Rev. Matt Slick, M.Div. President,

We have yet to hear back from them.

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